Ms. Bikini Overall Champion

Kat Freeman ~ MP Pro

Kat Freeman ~ MP Pro

Miami Pro Ms. Bikini Universe Champion 2015

Ms. Bikini Overall Champion Kat Freeman took the 1st place title and is now a MP Pro! 

Name: Kat Freeman

Originally from: England

Current residence: England

Marital status: Single

Age: 25

Favourite body part: Shoulders

Favourite off-season food: Thai food and dark chocolate! “I have always enjoyed keeping fit and healthy. I used to go to my local David Lloyd gym regularly, and did lots of the classes there like Body Combat, Body Attack, and Circuits.” 

 HOW IT STARTED: I have always enjoyed keeping fit and healthy. I used to go to my local David Lloyd gym regularly, and did lots of the classes there like Body Combat, Body Attack, and Circuits. I found I really enjoyed Body Combat, so the natural progression from that was to try some Boxercise classes where gloves and pads were used as opposed to just shadow boxing. I loved Boxercise and wanted more. My dad has a martial arts and boxing background so I made him come to a boxing gym with me in January where we started Muay Thai boxing together. I was hooked! I was doing a Muay Thai class three times a week and boxing or kickboxing class twice a week.  “I loved Combat and my dad has a martial arts and boxing background and we started Muay Thai boxing together.” 

                                               We booked a flight to Thailand in March and spent ten days there, travelling around different Muay Thai gyms and trying to learn the sport. I noticed the definition in my arms and shoulders developed quite quickly and was told by PTs at my gym that I should lift weights, as it looked like I had good genetics for it.  I started to include some weight lifting into my training with my friend who was a PT at David Lloyd. I loved seeing the results on my body from lifting weights.  “I entered the Miami Pro Universe Championships October 2015 and started my 14 week competition prep. My prep included lifting weights 6 days a week, which I loved.”                                              TOP 5 Winners in the Ms. Bikini  Category 

  I love having something to challenge myself with and to work towards, so I made a decision that I was either going to train for a Muay Thai fight or a Fitness Model competition. My dad advised me that he thought I was more suited for a Fitness competition than a fight. So I entered the Miami Pro Universe Championships October 2015 and started my 14-week competition prep. My prep included lifting weights 6 days a week, which I loved because I love being in the gym. I would still do the occasional Muay Thai or boxing class but not as often as before, as for Miami Pro I wanted to build more muscle. The day soon arrived and as soon as I stepped on the Miami Pro stage, I knew this was something I wanted to do all the time! I loved being on stage and had such a fun day.  My prize shoot for winning 1st palce with photographer MATT MARSH

   The day soon arrived and as soon as I stepped on the Miami Pro stage, I knew this was something I wanted to do all the time! I loved being on stage and had such a fun day. I was buzzing the whole day and met so many incredible, motivating and supportive people. The icing on the cake was winning the Ms. Overall Bikini title! Thanks, Miami Pro, for putting on the best day!  

Photos by Matt article is part of the winner’s 1st place prize